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Velocitron at SuperFest 56

Long time since postings!  But things have been very busy at Velocitron HQ as I get ready for Superfest on the 29th!  The Ghoul Lord is FINALLY finished and the mold is being made as we speak!  It should be ready for the event, but as its going to take almost twice as long to complete as a regular mold due to the size I can’t guarantee I’ll have them in hand 100% right now.  But at the very least they will definitely be coming in early May!

I’m also working on a new figure that I think is going to help tie the entire Velocitron family together!  It’s not quite at the point where I can announce it yet, but hopefully I will be able to get some more information together in the next few weeks!  Definitely check back when you get a chance!

Posted by admin on Friday, April 15th, 2011

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